Artificial Intelligence

As a software robot mimics people's actions, Artificial Intelligence (AI), sometimes called Machine Learning (ML) is concerned with the simulation of human intelligence by machines.
  • How does it work?

    Artificial Intelligence can be used to read and understand pertinent information such as invoice numbers, supplier names, invoice due dates, product descriptions, etc. in order to structure data. Every activity in RPA needs to be explicitly programmed or scripted, it is practically impossible to teach a bot exactly where to extract the relevant information for each invoice received. Hence, the need for Artificial Intelligence to intelligently decipher the invoice just as a person would.
  • Who is it for?

    AI is used for tasks that require some machine learning attributes to be in place. As an extension to RPA, AI comes into play whenever a bot's actions require anything that goes outside of what can be explicitly programmed and scripted.
  • The key difference between RPA and AI lies within their focus

    RPA is Highly Process Driven

    It is all about automating repetitive, rule-based processes that typically require interaction with multiple, disparate IT systems. For RPA implementations, process discovery workshops are usually a prerequisite in order to map out the existing "as is" process and to blueprint and document them. (Ask about our Process Discovery application for more details on how AYFI uses it for maximum process data understanding and flawless RPA development)

    Artificial Intelligence is All About Quality Data

    For our example of invoice processing, we will concern ourselves with finding sufficient sample invoices to train our ML algorithms, ensuring our samples are of good quality (particularly if the invoices are scanned), making sure the invoices are representative of the data set, among others. Thereafter, the task is to select an appropriate ML algorithm, and then train the algorithm sufficiently faster and more accurately than a person could.

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