Robotic Process Automation

RPA is the fastest growing segment of enterprise software with a 4% growth in 2018.
AYFI specializes in enterprise automation - enabling companies to extract more value from their investments - by optimizing and increasing the efficiency, competitiveness, and speed of their business processes. RPA is a perfect match for business processes that are labor-intensive, repetitively doing the same task, or feeding information into multiple systems.

Let's build an agile digital workforce, capable of responding to changing market dynamics. Empower your workforce with automation.

  • How does it work?

    A "software robot" known as a bot that mimics the behavior of an end user - by using existing enterprise application screens and web pages to find, evaluate, cut, calculate, transform and enter data into existing, enterprise application fields, according to business rules.

  • Who is it for?

    RPA is a perfect match for business processes that are labor-intensive, repetitively doing the same task, or feeding information into multiple systems. For example, when onboarding new customers, a bot can open emails - read them - and then populate / retype the same data into a spreadsheet or bookkeeping system.

Attended Bot Automation

Your helpful collaborators (Digital Assistants), they work with you to speed up service desk, helpdesk, daily routine tasks, and many contact center activities—any task where human involvement is key.

Unattended Bot Automation

These Virtual Workers, toil 24/7 and operate without human touch, maximizing cost and performance benefits for any variety of back-office activities.

The Marriage of Attended & Unattended Bots

Attended and Unattended bots are not mutually exclusive. They both play an important role in any RPA deployment. Attended bots optimize tasks by offloading portions of them, helping work get done faster. Unattended bots execute tasks and interact with applications independent of human involvement. The combination of attended and unattended RPA provides for a complete RPA solution.

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